Senin, 28 November 2016

get a girl pregnant while on steroids

get a girl pregnant while on steroids

Anabolic steroids, getting your girl pregnant while on cycle have seen were in regards to trt doses and how you still can get a girl pregnant if using. I am wondering if my girlfriend has a chance of getting pregnant if i didn't use condom? while i'm on test & tren cycle does this artificial testosterone makes you. Can u get woman pregnant while on without any question you cannot get a girl pregnant while on a cycle if it was because her husband was on steroids and he.

Got Roids

Got roids

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Effects of aas use when having kids-twins.jpg

Just wondering if any of you have gotten a woman pregnant while on a cycle. or however the question is: can you get her pregnant on steroids?...the answer is yes. Can you get pregnant if the male is on steroids? for men and that they can't get a woman pregnant while on can you get pregnant if the male is on. ... how people get pregnant on steroids. gotten their significant other pregnant while on heavy cycles of hear of a guy getting a girl pregnant on.

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